Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sick Boy (part 5)

Well, Winston had his x-rays and appointment at SSD's vet scheduled for the end of next week when our plans changed drastically. This morning on our walk he was sniffing the ground obsessively. This is NOT like Winston even when he has to urinate badly. I stopped and told him to "Go Potty" so instinctively he squatted and I immediately noted straining. To no avail he went at most a tablespoon. His urine was very dark. I hoped he was just marking a spot in someone elses yard and attempted to carry on our walk. About 5 feet up the road he started signalling that he had to "Go Potty" again, so I offered him another chance in another yard. Once again he strained and only a few drops came out. The third time that this happened I called my local vet and turned towards home. They said they wanted to see him immediately. After calling them I called Palmyria, SSD's vet and they moved his appointment up to this monday night. My local vet did a chest and abdomen xray as well as cathetorized him to check for a blockage. Everything came back clear, but he still hasn't urinated. He is home and resting now. This is going to be the longest three days of my life...

1 comment:

L^2 said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Winston is still sick. Hopefully the vets figure out what's wrong with him soon. I completely understand what you are going through - we still don't have a definite diagnosis for Willow's excessive drinking/urinating. It's so stressful!

Get well soon Winston!!!