Thursday, December 01, 2005

Goodbye, SSD Bond

SSD Bond went into formal training tonight.

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He was ready, I, on the other hand, was not.

After crying for a few minutes, Winston and I decided to get some napkins. Mid retrieve, the UPS man showed up. Winston, likes to act as if the UPS man is his #1 enemy. Charging him, with napkins in his mouth, was by far, the most threatening move he could make. The UPS man takes a step back, only to look up and notice me, just recovering from sobbing, and now laughing. The poor man comes in with the most derranged look on his face, trying so hard to understand my verbal directions that are being confused with sniffles that are in desperate need of the tissues in Winston's mouth. Alas, the package is in the doorway, my napkins were distroyed and we just finished getting new.

Life will be rough without SSD Bond.