Sunday, June 12, 2005

Stay at the Radisson - Birthday BBQ

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been insanely busy lately! My friends Tiffany and Erika are here for the weekend, and sleeping still so I figure while I have a little time I would post!

Last week Winston and I stayed at TheRadisson's Warwick Plaza which is in Rittenhouse Square, Philly. I had four doctors appointments three days in a row at CHOP so my dad agreed to help pay for the room for my nurse and I. The Radisson is no more than one block from The Rittenhouse Square Park which is more than convienent when you have a service dog! Each morning (because we were crunched for timex10) I would drop off the valet parking ticket and then walk Winston myself while my nurse finished getting ready. By the time Winston was finished with his business the van would be ready and waiting! He was in his glory the entire week, as he really seems to love hotels lately! The minute his vest is off he tears around the room, on the beds (and people) grabbing cell phones, remotes, or anything else he thinks I might want!

He accompanied me to two incredibly resaurants across from the park. At Bleu we sat outside on the sidewalk. He was an absolute angel both nights, backing under chairs and ignoring the city noise. The one photo I have doesn't show as well as I wanted it to how great of an under he was in!

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He had to back under the chair, and situate himself between the wall, a trash can, and my wheels. He laid their for two hours without moving except to look at me!

Before I for another appointment last week, I came in to see Oliver my cat curled up on my bed beside Winston who was in a down stay.

I just can't get over the freaking picture.

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Winston doesn't generally enjoy the cats being close to him, at all. Classic!

Well, we're going to Outback so I better wrap this up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Winston is a True Prince!!!!